Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Case of the Missing Shoe

So we just got back from an RV trip. I brought a variety of shoes with us, including a new pair of white athletic shoes. I have a pair of purple workout pants that have white piping down the sides. With a white tee shirt and my new white shoes, I look sort of nice. But it looks much better with a complete pair of shoes, rather than only one.

How can I lose one shoe in an RV? I mean, it is only the size of a studio apartment and while it might have a lot of storage places and drawers, it truly only has a fixed number. When we arrived at our destination, I realized I only had one shoe and assumed the other would turn up. I searched high and low, in every storage compartment and drawer. No shoe to be found.
Those of you who follow my blog will remember the case of the missing oven mitt. Which ended up with its brother having slid behind the drawer where they are supposed to live and being smashed up there for several months until I emptied the cupboard underneath and found the silly thing. So much for blaming “mr. nobody,” as it was here the whole time; messing with my senility.
Back to the shoe. I searched and explored and talked to Tony about how a grown woman loses one shoe. We actually talked ourselves into believing that perhaps it got caught when we were pulling out the slide and was in a random parking lot at a Walmart when we spent the night. Which would be somewhat ironic due to the fact the shoes were purchased at Walmart. For a whopping $9.99 so the money was not the issue. My sanity was.
So today we decided to finally return the RV to the storage area. I pulled out all the towels, used or not used, and all the clothes because there is nothing worse than wondering if I lost my clothes or if I am going crazy or if I left them in the RV. Viola. There was my shoe hiding behind our clothing storage bins, hidden by a pile of jeans. I guess it’s not quite time for the funny farm yet. Thank goodness for small blessings.