Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The good of the day

I'm upset 

have been really down and feeling blue. The depth and magnitude has been alarming but the minimal longevity has me not be panicky. 

I have tons of shares and stories but am running out of oomph. 

I had a visitor today as a butterfly You might remember my saying there is nothing about a caterpillar that indicates it will ever  be a butterfly

My butterfly flitted around. First adult monarch of 2014. Joe saw it and noticed it hovered around me. Maybe a spiritual reminder of changes and basic truths of  making life work.  

An to reality: I did a Ton of yard work and swam in the pool. Weather high82 and the pool is 73. Honestly it was very refreahing. 

Anyone want to try to consider visits would always be welcome to my pool!!
I promise to bake you German pancakes (ak Dutch baby) and cakes and fruit. 
Love to all


1 comment:

  1. Chin up friend. Good things are a'comin. Love you.
