Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Cleaning Story

So I posted this to my family's blog:

interesting cleaning tips

I am not sure if this will be overload, but I did find many of these to be worth trying. I will let you know how it goes! Especially the cleaning the floor and grout. My kitchen has been horrid the entire time we have owned the house.


So. What was I thinking?

I move the four chairs. Get help from my son to move the table, ackward and heavy. The dog pens. The dog water and food dishes. Dog toys. Garbage and recycle. Trash can from the powder room. The clothes from the laundry room. Put up the baby (read puppy) gates. Roll up my capris, sweep, get the hot water going. Ready, set, go!

I doubled the "cleaning the floor and grout tip." It is hot water, baking soda, lemon juice and vinegar. And then slop it all over the floor. Supposed to sit for an hour and have the tile and grout cleaner than ever. I guess I forgot to read scrub and rinse and rinse and rinse.

Hands and knees, clean the floor molding, long window sill. All the bottom of the doors, in and out. Next the appliances, which are a nice cheery black.

So. Do you know how much baking soda one cup is?

The floor molding is finally going to get cleaner than clean! Yeah! Now try the paint coming off. The cleaning rags don't do well when they are full of clips and flecks of paint. Aye yi yi!

This chore is getting worse and worse. My toes are numb from being on my hands and knees. Its cold on the tile floor. Try to walk normal. Next the fourth shower of my day. One to start the day, after yoga, #3 after walking, trimming and bathing the puppies. #4 I am desperate to get clean. Gotta love the baking soda dripped down my legs and dried in to white rivulets of powder. My knees look like they are going to bruise. Feet are starting to thaw. This day is wrecking havoc on my growing mountain of laundry and my depleting drawers of clean clothes.

At the end of this I have a couple comments. Not from the tips and tricks, but because of my experience. First, I used two buckets alternating a first rinse bucket and a final rinse bucket. New trick for me. Second, the best part of this whole adventure was the volcano lava action from mixing baking soda and lemon juice. Then do it again with vinegar. Wahoo!

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