Thursday, July 10, 2014

gramps I found the best outfit ever!


we have to take a ferry to get to our beach. obviously safety is very important. I was going to ask the safety guys if I could buy an outfit but wasn't sure gramps would appreciate it quite as much as I did. enjoy!!
I could have asked him if the kooky hair comes with it. maybe we can make a Halloween costume out of duct tape.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Affirmation of a good choice


most of you know I worked at castle hill yoga in exchange for yoga classes. the management changed their policy and I resigned. I don't need a job, I need a structure to participate with a yoga practice.

a mediocre orchid was a gift to the studio and was naked, yellow, and looked dead so I asked to take it home. it started to grow. it has three fronds of blossoms with nine lovely perfect blossoms. I believe this is an affirmation that I made the right choice. thanks for every one's moral support. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Decoration... We hope

The first pics were, um, a disaster.

I thought maybe sleeping on it might help. 

So this is round 2:

I staggered the aquarium rocks, big rocks, blue rocks and medium rocks. Hopefully it will grow on me
Love to all!!

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Herbarium and Plant Description

I was chatting with Rob's Elise and wanted to show her this. I think I might have posted this before, but sometimes it's fun to read again.
Tony bought me this beautiful framed art for me from 1913. It is a niece named Violet and I hope someday it can be a treasure for her.

My intention is to have one for each of my nieces. Sent me on a treasure hunt. This artwork had me looking for other pages. I found a book via eBay full additional plants. These include:

* crawfoot - silver leaf
* poppy
* fumetory - dutchmans breeches
* crawfoot - anemony
* purslane - spring beauty
* violet
* lily - dogtooth violet
* trillian - wake robin
* arum - indian turnip
* violet - downy yellow violet
* capanular - bell flower
* primrose - american cowslip
* geranium
* crawsfoot - columbine

On a practical note: The project book I bought was for Mac Petersen at Sheridan High School in 1905. They received 96%. Makes me wonder what would have been required for 100%...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Oh shrubbery!

So yesterday's projects were out of doors. I have lots of pictures and feel these before and after say hedge pruning best. We can also include it as a great upper body workout!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The good of the day

I'm upset 

have been really down and feeling blue. The depth and magnitude has been alarming but the minimal longevity has me not be panicky. 

I have tons of shares and stories but am running out of oomph. 

I had a visitor today as a butterfly You might remember my saying there is nothing about a caterpillar that indicates it will ever  be a butterfly

My butterfly flitted around. First adult monarch of 2014. Joe saw it and noticed it hovered around me. Maybe a spiritual reminder of changes and basic truths of  making life work.  

An to reality: I did a Ton of yard work and swam in the pool. Weather high82 and the pool is 73. Honestly it was very refreahing. 

Anyone want to try to consider visits would always be welcome to my pool!!
I promise to bake you German pancakes (ak Dutch baby) and cakes and fruit. 
Love to all


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Crazy happy orchid!

My orchid bloomed again last Fall. Crazy enough, there were two different types of orchids when I thought it was only one plant. 

Phalaenopsis orchid is a super popular orchid because of its big, colorful and long-lasting flowers. It is commonly called a Moth Orchid  because of the large blooms that look like they could fly away.

Cymbidium orchid grows from very different greenery called a pseudobulb. This is what the mother plant is, and it just keeps on blooming.

The reason I believe I have such success with my orchids is I really neglect them. They are root bound. Their watering schedule is completely sporadic. Texas isn't that cold, but we turn the heat way down at night. The orchids live in a window garden so the light is very bright and the temperatures are kind of extreme.