Monday, January 25, 2010

Lisa Mane’s A-Z About Me, January 2010
A – alphabet lists are a great way to add journaling, I have not made a list of things I love in a while, thank you for this assignment!
B – books, especially hand made ones are unique and wonderful
C – computer, since most people will say crafts, I will say I love my computer
D – dogs, I am a relatively new dog lover, I have two of my own
E – elephants, my mother collects them, so whenever I see one I think of mom

F – fish, tropical fish are a hobby I have enjoyed in the past, I am thinking of putting up my tank again. Also Family. I am the oldest and the shortest, I am the one in the middle. There are six kids, five girls and a boy and he is the youngest. And yes, he has hot pink hair…
G – google is one of my favorite websites, I love gmail and google earth
H – home is wonderful, I like our house, I love living in Texas, I love our pool

I – iPhone, I didn’t think I would love it but I have to admit I do
J – Joe is my oldest, he is serving a Mormon Mission in Atlanta, GA, I am very proud of him

K – kitchen is not my best place, I am better at baking than cooking.
L – love is what makes the world go round
M – Maltese, the type of dogs I have and Mane, my last name which I love, from my husband. Daisy, the girl is on the left, Sage, the boy is on the right

N – new toys, basically any craft thing I don’t have yet
O – origami architecture is a new craft I have discovered, Peter Callesen is an artist I am following.
P – purple, probably my favorite color, it is so regal and is a mix of red and blue.
Q – quick projects are some of my favorite ones.
R – Rob is my youngest, he is a senior, lives with his dad and might come to Texas (I hope)

S – sunshine makes me happy, it is the best thing about the color yellow
T – two boys is what I call my kids, I love boys, but I also love my nieces (and nephews). There are now 18 nieces and nephews (and still counting)
U – umbrellas are fun as a photography prop and paper-craft embellishment
V – Van Orman is my maiden name, it is Dutch, I am proud of my Danish and Dutch heritage
W – water, I love the ocean, our pool, SCUBA, snorkeling and all swimming things
X – eXcel is a great tool I use it for tons of things, my computer is full of files I have created
Y – yard work, I love when I am doing it, but it seem tough to get into it… The picture of our house above was proof we had snow, before Rob raked the leaves and Tony trimmed the bushes.
Z – zine, a new word I learned (from Wiki) is most commonly a small circulation publication of original or appropriated texts and images.


  1. Very cool idea. I think it would be a fun activity to try with little and big people.

  2. Do I hear Family Home Evening activity? :-)
