Monday, January 25, 2010

My favorite movies

I made a list and limited it to twenty. I might have other favorites that I prefer more, but this is my list for today. Yes, many are rated R, so be forewarned. In alphabetical order and with the ratings as I remember them:
• Blind Side – I am a sucker for a based on True Story movies (PG-13)
• Braveheart – adventure love story, set in historic times (R)
• Count of Monte Cristo – love the plan the revenge, adventure, romance of it all (PG-13)
• Fight Club – the twist made it worth the violence (R)
• Incredibles – probably my favorite cartoon, but some of those Disney classics are hard to beat (PG)
• It’s a Wonderful Life – my favorite classic, almost a tie with Bridge over the River Kwai (PG)
• Ladyhawke – my favorite movies as a teenager (PG)
• Pay it Forward – a classic good movie, sad but in a good way ending (PG-13)
• Pretty Woman – my favorite movies as a twenty-something (PG, but before PG-13 ratings)
• Rob Roy – similar story to Braveheart, the adventure love story set in historic times (R)
• Seven Pounds – will watch this one over and over again. It makes me cry in a good way (PG-13)
• Se7en – I would put this in a horror category, but it really made me think (R)
• Shawshank Redemption – fitting this is Stephen King and rated R, but is an amazing story (R)
• Sixth Sense – classic suspense, twist in the end, excellent movie (PG-13)
• Sommersby – amazing story. Everyone who watches it with me yells at me and asks why I made them watch it. But I love it. (PG-13?)
• Steel Magnolias – classic girly movie, makes me cry, love Julia Robert and a fabulous all star cast (PG)
• Sweet November – for my hubby, this movie reminds him of me. A carefree, out there personality who shows someone a world they didn’t know exists. (PG-13)
• The Life of David Gale – this is a less known movie that is also a thinker (R)
• The Piano – Holly Hunter, less known movie, appropriately R-rated, I am a pianist and found the story to be very intriguing (R)
• The Usual Suspects – another Kevin Spacey classic. Makes me smile to think about the plot. (R)

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