Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Orchid

I am thrilled that my orchid is blooming for a third time! Two stems of lovely blossoms. I am very happy that orchids bloom so long, it has been lovely to look at in my kitchen, it brightens my having to do the dishes. Now if I can only figure out how to use my camera so the picture doesn't look so yellow... Anyway--Enjoy!

Beauty Plus

Why didn't I think of that? This is a new nail polish from Sally Hansen, there is a magnetic cap that you hold over the wet polish and it makes swirls as a design. Whoever thought of this was very clever!

Humor with Yoga

This is the wall with the thermostat at Krama Yoga Center. We take our mats to the wall to do headstands and inversions. Sometimes there are toenail marks on the walls from painted toenails kicking up. Today I found an adorable note.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Case of the Missing Shoe

So we just got back from an RV trip. I brought a variety of shoes with us, including a new pair of white athletic shoes. I have a pair of purple workout pants that have white piping down the sides. With a white tee shirt and my new white shoes, I look sort of nice. But it looks much better with a complete pair of shoes, rather than only one.

How can I lose one shoe in an RV? I mean, it is only the size of a studio apartment and while it might have a lot of storage places and drawers, it truly only has a fixed number. When we arrived at our destination, I realized I only had one shoe and assumed the other would turn up. I searched high and low, in every storage compartment and drawer. No shoe to be found.
Those of you who follow my blog will remember the case of the missing oven mitt. Which ended up with its brother having slid behind the drawer where they are supposed to live and being smashed up there for several months until I emptied the cupboard underneath and found the silly thing. So much for blaming “mr. nobody,” as it was here the whole time; messing with my senility.
Back to the shoe. I searched and explored and talked to Tony about how a grown woman loses one shoe. We actually talked ourselves into believing that perhaps it got caught when we were pulling out the slide and was in a random parking lot at a Walmart when we spent the night. Which would be somewhat ironic due to the fact the shoes were purchased at Walmart. For a whopping $9.99 so the money was not the issue. My sanity was.
So today we decided to finally return the RV to the storage area. I pulled out all the towels, used or not used, and all the clothes because there is nothing worse than wondering if I lost my clothes or if I am going crazy or if I left them in the RV. Viola. There was my shoe hiding behind our clothing storage bins, hidden by a pile of jeans. I guess it’s not quite time for the funny farm yet. Thank goodness for small blessings.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Change your trash cans, change your life.

I didn't realize how much my big trash can and little recycle bin were making me nuts. The recycle bin used to live behind the door and was always in the way. So I put on my thinking cap...

My sisters are brilliant, so once again I stole an idea from one of them. Christine, in the Seattle area, has two covered cans right next to each other. So I went to my local store and bought two new containers.

Who would have thought that buying new trash cans positively impacts my mental health? It sounds crazy, but if it makes a difference, I won't knock it! Try it! You might like it!


Monday, February 13, 2012

So for those of you who missed the story: We were in the midst of a hard-sales-presentation to redo our bathroom for $17k, reduced down to $13k for today only, and we got a knock on the door. Yes, the broken bathtub is another story for another day.
The little Asian man (who Daisy seems to want to eat for lunch, she barks like crazy on his walks around our block) came by. He said "phone no work, please help." Two and half hours later, a call to our bishop and the missionaries to find someone who could translate Korean, which was successful. Tony was our hero in troubleshooting, and it was nice to do a good deed. They came by after it was fixed with a box of apples that are almost as big as my head! Straight to the VO cookbook and Marja's fabulous apple cobbler. Yum! Wish we could have shared it with everyone! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rain, rain go away... or maybe not...

We have been in Stage 3 water conservation since last summer. From this picture you would think that maybe we could move back to Stage 2? Anyway, our playground now doubles as a pond. Sigh.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A facebook album worth viewing

I hope this link works. I was touched, moved and inspired. Will take less than 60 seconds to read. The "next" button is on the top.

My name is Josh and I am 18 years old

This should be an awareness campaign. 46k shares in Facebook and counting.

Feels so good to be well!

I went to yoga yesterday. To quote Jen, it kicked my trash! I took a nap in the afternoon for about an hour.

Last night, we went to be a little early. Then I woke up around midnight and was fully awake. So I got up. I updated our whiteboards and the house honey-do list. I organized my paper pile. I wrote several emails. I worked on my Landmark project. I texted with Joe (my almost 22yo) who was quite shocked I was up in the middle of the night. It was fun.

I went back to sleep about 3am. It feels so good to be well!

This last week I wrote an email to my Dad that felt really good. Acknowledging him for who he is to me and how much I appreciate him being my dad. I also was able to reconnect with a friend from 19 years ago. One of my first statements to him was that one thing Landmark provides to me is to pick up a friendship after 19 years exactly where we were back then. Except a little more foxy grey hair. I am present to how miraculous my life is. Yoga, Landmark, 2012, or friendships, it doesn't matter why, what matters is that it is fantastic!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Daisy the ThunderDog

Today is unseasonably warm. That is nice. The puppies just informed me that my doing Yoga does not count as a daily walk to them. Rats. Yoga is kicking my trash! I had to take the emergency blanket out of the back of the car and cover the driver's seat to get home from the class I just took. My clothes are that soaked. At least workout sweat doesn't stink like emotional sweat...

So Daisy has been more clingy than usual. The vet, some friends, and the web all recommend a thing called a Thundershirt which works on the principle of swaddling and pressure points. At first she didn't move, but now she is getting into it. The sales material says she can now be called a ThunderDog. Look out world, we now have a new canine superhero.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Brilliant Siblings

I could go on and on about how brilliant my siblings are. So today my spotlight share is on my sister Christine. We call her Chrisqueen. I love her dearly.

My breakfast was inspired by her and the food made me really happy. It was vanilla yogurt, applesauce, flax seed, and wheat germ. Very tasty and I expect it is even good for me. Try it, you might like it!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Playlist of the week

Iko Iko - The Belle Stars
Train in Vain, Stand by Me - The Clash
Salisbury Hill - Erasure
Say what you need to say - John Mayer
Tattoo - Jordin Sparks
Live like we are dying - The Script
Never find a love - Natasha Bedingfield



In 2012 I am working on how I speak. Rather than saying depressed, I might say un-well or not-well. I realize that might or might not be grammatically correct but Mark Twain used to say that it was a close-minded person who could only spell a word one way. I say that applies to grammar, too.

I created a Depression Self Report some years back. When I am not well, I sleep a lot. I cry. I have no energy. I don't want to do anything. I don't listen to music. I don't get ready for my day unless I have somewhere I to go. I tend to stay home. And I usually don't reach out to others. Another effective tool to validate my mood is telling someone else a rating on my mood. 10 being fantastic and 1 being suicidal. My husband, Tony and my eldest, Joe support me with this.

So today I am announcing Lisa's Wellness Report and Rating. These are the measures or indicators I recommend the people in my life use to notice how I am doing and give me feedback. Ask me how I am doing because that causes me to be aware of my mood.

  • I wake up without an alarm clock. My dreams are not disturbing.
  • I am eating healthy foods. And drinking lots of water. And taking my fiber daily.
  • I get up and get ready for my day. Fly Lady advice. /
  • I exercise at least three days a week, and target up to six days.
  • I attend Yoga at least two days a week. If you are in Dallas, come join me!! 10 am class is my favorite so far.
  • The puppies are walked six of seven days a week. By someone, might or might not be me.
  • I am assisting in some form or fashion. Maybe with Landmark Education, maybe not. I have offered to be a free personal assistant to four friends. If you would like to take advantage of this limited time, free offer, contact me!
  • The state of my home is inviting and we can accept unexpected visitors without embarrassment.
  • My craft room induces completion, fun, happiness and Creativity.
  • I listen to music and have a song stuck in my head almost all the time. This tends to drown out the automatic negative thoughts. 
  • I try to laugh every day. I enjoy comedies as measured by a true LOL: laugh out loud. Tony gets to say if this measure is satisfied or not.
  • I make a difference in my world. This is expressed in several Operative Practices:
    • I say bless you when I hear someone sneeze.
    • I acknowledge people I interact with who provide service. This could be as simple as saying "don't work to hard." I leave public restrooms in a better state than I found them, usually by wiping off the mirror and the front of the sink with the paper towel I used to dry my hands.
    • I flat out work to be great with other people.
  • I unquestionably love my life and am present to the many, many blessings and talents I have.
So now you know the symptoms of Lisa doing Well!

This post may be subjected to modification as needed.

Pink Dog

It might be of interest that there are human medications which may also be used on canines. Benadryl for allergies and sneezing, Dramamine for motion sickness, and Pepto Bismol for upset digestive tracts.

Our sweet Daisy May Mane (I like saying her whole name out loud) woke me up because she had a gurgle- y stomach in the middle of the night. I got the puppy syringe and gave her some pepto. Then I went back to sleep. In the morning, she was pink on the side of her muzzle and scattered down her body. I had turned my dog pink. And it doesn't show up well in photos so you have to use your 'magination.

At least it was the girl dog and not the boy dog.

We expect a full restoration after her next bath. Keep us in your thoughts. 


So I expect humanity had to "measure" temperature long before thermometers existed. This morning "I can see my breath." I heard that Eskimo have many different words for snow, so it sounds logical that I can see my breath is right around freezing.

And I checked it with my iPhone. Yes it is exactly 32 degrees. But Friday, Sunday and Monday have an expected high of 73 degrees, so I am LOVING it!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bread Pudding

Many people in my family know about my french toast debacle. The final bread pudding was pretty enough that I needed to post a picture.  I already blogged about this once and somehow erased it. When that happens, it feels like I already released my creative writing. Rats. Back to the bread pudding, it wasn't sweet enough so when I served it, I sprinkled sugar and then poured on half and half. Anything with half and half has to be good, right? 


How would it be to sleep this well? Or even be able to be this relaxed? My Baby Sagey (male maltese) has such a cute black nose you will see on the right. He is on his back with all his little paws in the air. He is completely sprawled out. I guess I should be happy that he is so comfortable.
If you had told me I would love a dog this much, I would have laughed at you! He and Daisy are truly my babies.

How well do you tip?

Standing at the checkout counter of Sports Clips:
He got a haircut. We have a coupon.
She asks the stylist, a cute Asian girl, to break a $10. Gets two $5 back.
He takes out a $10. He and she look at each other confused.
He gives the stylist $15 and the coupon. The stylist gives her the receipt. Thanks, happy chit chat, we leave. He and she walk out, get in the car, she is thinking.
She "do you always tip that well?"
He "well I try to, why?"
She looks at the receipt "that was a very generous tip!"
He "what do you mean? the stylist did a good job and she knew her football!"
She "well that was a $17 haircut with a coupon that says new clients get a FREE haircut and return clients get a haircut for $10."
He "so $10 haircut and $5 tip, right?"
She "you told her you have never been to that location," looking at the receipt that had a seventeen dollar haircut and seventeen dollar credit.
He, getting excited, "are you telling me that I just gave a $15 tip? I just paid a hundred and fifty percent tip??"
She "um..."
He, calmly but worried, "well can we go back and get my $10?"
She, laughing hysterically, "no. Kim, your stylist, will remember you forever, you will always get great haircuts."
He, disappointed, "it was a good haircut, but not 150% tip good!"
She, giggling, "well just pretend you paid $10 for the haircut and gave a 50% tip. No worries"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Today's Playlist

I used to do a "song'o'the'day" and remember that being fun. I don't think every day is realistic, but posting some playlists might work. It's a new year, which is the perfect time to try a new idea. Enjoy

Best Days - Matt White
Why Can't I - Liz Phair
True - Ryan Cabrera
Because You Live - Jesse McCartney
Oxygen - Colbie Caillat
Come On Over - Christina Aguilera
It Is You - Dana Glover

Cuter than Cute!

Since I have one sister who has Identical Twins,
and another sister who makes the neatest things,
I have to post this from a friend in FaceBook.

I am missing my family! Love and Hugs, Lis

Hidden Pool

If I were rich, I would buy one of these for each of my sibling's families. Way unexpected!
Hidden Pool - youtube