Friday, July 22, 2011

A Big Ugly Bug

Sorry there are no pictures. Only a great story. *** side note, I found a picture on the internet ***

Tony was driving, Lisa next to him, Austin behind me, Alexis behind Tony. We were driving on the North Dallas Tollway, at the posted 70 mph. The twins are chatting and all of a sudden Austin starts screaming like a little girl. He screams for Lisa to get the "bug." Tony thinks it is a joke and while driving, he looks at Austin who apparently had a very scared, open eyes, look on his face, in between screams. Lisa looks over and there is some bug on the back right shoulder of Tony.

Now, keep in mind that Tony is allergic to bee stings. I don't know if wasps also cause a reaction, but I wasn't interested in trying out that hypothesis. This bug was a flying bug, with regular, not colored wings, slender body and back end like a wasp with a red stripe. A nice pointy, stingy end.

So putting on my magical mommy reflexes, Lisa flicks the "bug" off Tony. That solves the one problem of Tony getting stung, but creates a new problem of where the *bleep* did the bug go? Alexis hates bugs with a passion. Austin didn't know what or where it was so he is still screaming. Thank goodness for the heroic karma which had the bug land on Lisa's shirt. She, quick as super-mom, rolls down the window, cups her hand and shoes it outside, closing the window quickly.

Please also realize the family is still all screaming, This entire event has occurred in about 4.25 second or less. Austin was screaming from the beginning, Alexis after she sees the bug and Tony while he tries to figure out what is going on without wrecking the car.

Luckily Lisa isn't joining the noise brigade and tells everyone the danger is over and to calm down. While she is full of adrenaline. Very full.

And in case you didn't notice, today is our wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to us. ROFL


  1. I am amazed at your reflexes. Good job you! Also if you do find out what that bug is it stung my baby 4 times about a month ago. It keeps it's stinger and gets angry super easy. It drew blood, so lucky Tony had you there to protect him.

  2. Did you start to sing "everybody was kung fu fightin'?" I love this story! I can just imagine everyone screaming.
